about the film
The Right Track
When survivors come together, oppression crumbles.
Through the eyes of those who live it, this documentary spotlights the fight to end sex trafficking and human exploitation across North America. At its heart is the Survivor Model—a transformative approach that decriminalizes prostituted individuals while imposing strict penalties on pimps, traffickers, and sex buyers.
Discover the courage it takes to escape “the life” on and off the track and the momentum needed to end sex trafficking for good. The Right Track is a must-watch for anyone invested in human dignity and justice.
Voices for Change
the survivor model
It’s time to support an exploitation-free world

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Call your representatives about the exploitation of women in your community. Let them know about the Survivor Model, holding traffickers accountable while giving victims the resources they need.
Shooting Wraps!
Production work came to a close in late January after a series of shoots in Belgium, France and the Netherlands.
Know what’s ahead!
Don’t forget to follow us on social media for all the latest updates on The Right Track.